Shining a Light on Unsung Legends through Real Conversations & Stories
Niko Lalos of the New York Football Giants NFL Team details his journey from St. Vincent St Mary's High School (Akron, OH) to Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) to the National Football League
Defensive Lineman Niko Lalos, a reserve Long Snapper for the NY Giants, tries to name other Long Snappers in the National Football League
Lalos fields Rapid Fire Questions on everything from off-season meals to his NFL fashion inspirations & tells us what's next for him
Micah Croom details his transfer process from Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) to the University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) and why he continues to love the game
Charles Mack details the grueling process of overcoming serious injury & what kept him motivated to continue playing football for a Graduate Transfer year at Sacred Heart University
Grant flips the script to answer questions about Long Snapping & gives an instructional demonstration